XSONIC Airmar SS260 Stainless Steel 1 kW Thru Hull
The SS260 is a stainless steel, 1kW RMS, thru-hull, 50/200 kHz depth and temperature sensor. Ideal for fishing in shallow, medium and deep waters.
Key Features
High Performance
The 1kW transducer is perfect for fast, sportfishing vessels that can install a thru-hull transducer with a fairing.
Deep Water Fishing
Excellent for deep water bottom and structure fishing up to 500m/1640ft.
Calculate depth and temperature from one compact sensor.
Easy To Install
Wide Operating Range
From 1 knot to 45 knots.
Highly Accurate Sounding
Provides extremely accurate echosounding data, even at speeds of over 30 knots.
Dual Elements
The narrow, 6° beam 200 kHz ceramic offers excellent resolution and and crisp image detail for bottom fishing. The seven-element 50 kHz array has a wider 19° beam for deepr blue-water fishing.
Stainless Steel
Built to withstand the environment.